Создаем невероятную простую систему регистрации на PHP и MySQL. PHP сценарии обработки HTML форм Связь register form php

What is Form?

When you login into a website or into your mail box, you are interacting with a form.

Forms are used to get input from the user and submit it to the web server for processing.

The diagram below illustrates the form handling process.

A form is an HTML tag that contains graphical user interface items such as input box, check boxes radio buttons etc.

The form is defined using the ... tags and GUI items are defined using form elements such as input.

In this tutorial, you will learn-

When and why we are using forms?
  • Forms come in handy when developing flexible and dynamic applications that accept user input.
  • Forms can be used to edit already existing data from the database
Create a form

We will use HTML tags to create a form. Below is the minimal list of things you need to create a form.

  • Opening and closing form tags …
  • Form submission type POST or GET
  • Submission URL that will process the submitted data
  • Input fields such as input boxes, text areas, buttons,checkboxes etc.

The code below creates a simple registration form

Registration Form Registration Form First name:
Last name:

Viewing the above code in a web browser displays the following form.

  • … are the opening and closing form tags
  • action="registration_form.php" method="POST"> specifies the destination URL and the submission type.
  • First/Last name: are labels for the input boxes
  • are input box tags

  • is the new line tag
  • is a hidden value that is used to check whether the form has been submitted or not
  • is the button that when clicked submits the form to the server for processing
Submitting the form data to the server

The action attribute of the form specifies the submission URL that processes the data. The method attribute specifies the submission type.

PHP POST method
  • This is the built in PHP super global array variable that is used to get values submitted via HTTP POST method.
  • This method is ideal when you do not want to display the form post values in the URL.
  • A good example of using post method is when submitting login details to the server.

It has the following syntax.

  • “$_POST[…]” is the PHP array
PHP GET method
  • This is the built in PHP super global array variable that is used to get values submitted via HTTP GET method.
  • The array variable can be accessed from any script in the program; it has a global scope.
  • This method displays the form values in the URL.
  • It’s ideal for search engine forms as it allows the users to book mark the results.

It has the following syntax.

  • “$_GET[…]” is the PHP array
  • “"variable_name"” is the URL variable name.
Values not visible in the URL Values visible in the URL
Has not limitation of the length of the values since they are submitted via the body of HTTP Has limitation on the length of the values usually 255 characters. This is because the values are displayed in the URL. Note the upper limit of the characters is dependent on the browser.
Has lower performance compared to Php_GET method due to time spent encapsulation the Php_POST values in the HTTP body Has high performance compared to POST method dues to the simple nature of appending the values in the URL.
Supports many different data types such as string, numeric, binary etc. Supports only string data types because the values are displayed in the URL
Results cannot be book marked Results can be book marked due to the visibility of the values in the URL

The below diagram shows the difference between get and post

Processing the registration form data

The registration form submits data to itself as specified in the action attribute of the form.

When a form has been submitted, the values are populated in the $_POST super global array.

We will use the PHP isset function to check if the form values have been filled in the $_POST array and process the data.

We will modify the registration form to include the PHP code that processes the data. Below is the modified code

Registration Form //this code is executed when the form is submitted Thank You

You have been registered as

Go back to the form

Registration Form First name:
Last name: checks if the form_submitted hidden field has been filled in the $_POST array and display a thank you and first name message.

If the form_fobmitted field hasn’t been filled in the $_POST array, the form is displayed.

More examples Simple search engine

We will design a simple search engine that uses the PHP_GET method as the form submission type.

For simplicity’s sake, we will use a PHP If statement to determine the output.

We will use the same HTML code for the registration form above and make minimal modifications to it.

Simple Search Engine Search Results For

The GET method displays its values in the URL

Sorry, no matches found for your search term

Go back to the form

Simple Search Engine - Type in GET Search Term:

View the above page in a web browser

The following form will be shown

Type GET in upper case letter then click on submit button.

The following will be shown

The diagram below shows the URL for the above results

Note the URL has displayed the value of search_term and form_submitted. Try to enter anything different from GET then click on submit button and see what results you will get.

Working with check boxes, radio buttons

If the user does not select a check box or radio button, no value is submitted, if the user selects a check box or radio button, the value one (1) or true is submitted.

We will modify the registration form code and include a check button that allows the user to agree to the terms of service.

Registration Form

You have not accepted our terms of service

Thank You

You have been registered as

Go back to the form

Registration Form First name:
Last name:
Agree to Terms of Service:

View the above form in a browser

Over the past few years, web hosting has undergone a dramatic change. Web hosting services have changed the way websites perform. There are several kinds of services but today we will talk about the options that are available for reseller hosting providers. They are Linux Reseller Hosting and Windows Reseller Hosting. Before we understand the fundamental differences between the two, let’s find out what is reseller hosting.

Reseller Hosting

In simple terms, reseller hosting is a form of web hosting where an account owner can use his dedicated hard drive space and allotted bandwidth for the purpose of reselling to the websites of third parties. Sometimes, a reseller can take a dedicated server from a hosting company (Linux or Windows) on rent and further let it out to third parties.

Most website users either are with Linux or Windows. This has got to do with the uptime. Both platforms ensure that your website is up 99% of the time.

1. Customization

One of the main differences between a Linux Reseller Hostingplan and the one provided by Windows is about customization. While you can experiment with both the players in several ways, Linux is way more customizable than Windows. The latter has more features than its counterpart and that is why many developers and administrators find Linux very customer- friendly.

2. Applications

Different reseller hosting services have different applications. Linux and Windows both have their own array of applications but the latter has an edge when it comes to numbers and versatility. This has got to do with the open source nature of Linux. Any developer can upload his app on the Linux platform and this makes it an attractive hosting provider to millions of website owners.

However, please note that if you are using Linux for web hosting but at the same time use the Windows OS, then some applications may not simply work.

3. Stability

While both the platforms are stable, Linux Reseller Hosting is more stable of the two. It being an open source platform, can work in several environments.This platform can be modified and developed every now and then.

4. .NET compatibility

It isn’t that Linux is superior to Windows in every possible way. When it comes to .NET compatibility, Windows steals the limelight. Web applications can be easily developed on a Windows hosting platform.

5. Cost advantages

Both the hosting platforms are affordable. But if you are feeling a cash crunch, then you should opt for Linux. It is free and that is why it is opted by so many developers and system administrators all around the world.

6. Ease of setup

Windows is easier to set up than its counterpart. All things said and done, Windows still retains its user-friendliness all these years.

7. Security

Opt for Linux reseller hosting because it is more secure than Windows. This holds true especially for people running their E-commerce businesses.


Choosing between the two will depend on your requirement and the cost flexibility. Both the hosting services have unique advantages. While Windows is easy to set up, Linux is cost effective, secure and is more versatile.

Back in March of this year, I had a very bad experience with a media company refusing to pay me and answer my emails. They still owe me thousands of dollars and the feeling of rage I have permeates everyday. Turns out I am not alone though, and hundreds of other website owners are in the same boat. It"s sort of par for the course with digital advertising.

In all honesty, I"ve had this blog for a long time and I have bounced around different ad networks in the past. After removing the ad units from that company who stiffed me, I was back to square one. I should also note that I never quite liked Googles AdSense product, only because it feels like the "bottom of the barrel" of display ads. Not from a quality perspective, but from a revenue one.

From what I understand, you want Google advertising on your site, but you also want other big companies and agencies doing it as well. That way you maximize the demand and revenue.

After my negative experience I got recommend a company called Newor Media . And if I"m honest I wasn"t sold at first mostly because I couldn"t find much information on them. I did find a couple decent reviews on other sites, and after talking to someone there, I decided to give it a try. I will say that they are SUPER helpful. Every network I have ever worked with has been pretty short with me in terms of answers and getting going. They answered every question and it was a really encouraging process.

I"ve been running the ads for a few months and the earnings are about in line with what I was making with the other company. So I can"t really say if they are that much better than others, but where they do stand out is a point that I really want to make. The communication with them is unlike any other network I"ve ever worked it. Here is a case where they really are different:

They pushed the first payment to me on time with Paypal. But because I"m not in the U.S (and this happens for everyone I think), I got a fee taken out from Paypal. I emailed my representative about it, asking if there was a way to avoid that in the future.

They said that they couldn"t avoid the fee, but that they would REIMBURSE ALL FEES.... INCLUDING THE MOST RECENT PAYMENT! Not only that, but the reimbursement payment was received within 10 MINUTES! When have you ever been able to make a request like that without having to be forwarded to the "finance department" to then never be responded to.

The bottom line is that I love this company. I might be able to make more somewhere else, I"m not really sure, but they have a publisher for life with me. I"m not a huge site and I don"t generate a ton of income, but I feel like a very important client when I talk to them. It"s genuinely a breathe of fresh air in an industry that is ripe with fraud and non-responsiveness.

Microcomputers that have been created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in 2012 have been hugely successful in sparking levels of creativity in young children and this UK based company began offering learn-to-code startup programs like pi-top an Kano. There is now a new startup that is making use of Pi electronics, and the device is known as Pip, a handheld console that offers a touchscreen, multiple ports, control buttons and speakers. The idea behind the device is to engage younger individuals with a game device that is retro but will also offer a code learning experience through a web based platform.

The amazing software platform being offered with Pip will offer the chance to begin coding in Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Lua and PHP. The device offers step-by-step tutorials to get children started with coding and allows them to even make LEDs flash. While Pip is still a prototype, it will surely be a huge hit in the industry and will engage children who have an interest in coding and will provide them the education and resources needed to begin coding at a young age.

Future of Coding Coding has a great future, and even if children will not be using coding as a career, they can benefit from learning how to code with this new device that makes it easier than ever. With Pip, even the youngest coding enthusiasts will learn different languages and will be well on their way to creating their own codes, own games, own apps and more. It is the future of the electronic era and Pip allows the basic building blocks of coding to be mastered.
Computer science has become an important part of education and with devices like the new Pip , children can start to enhance their education at home while having fun. Coding goes far beyond simply creating websites or software. It can be used to enhance safety in a city, to help with research in the medical field and much more. Since we now live in a world that is dominated by software, coding is the future and it is important for all children to at least have a basic understanding of how it works, even if they never make use of these skills as a career. In terms of the future, coding will be a critical component of daily life. It will be the language of the world and not knowing computers or how they work can pose challenges that are just as difficult to overcome as illiteracy.
Coding will also provide major changes in the gaming world, especially when it comes to online gaming, including the access of online casinos. To see just how coding has already enhanced the gaming world, take a look at a few top rated casino sites that rely on coding. Take a quick peek to check it out and see just how coding can present realistic environments online.How Pip Engages Children When it comes to the opportunity to learn coding, children have many options. There are a number of devices and hardware gizmos that can be purchased, but Pip takes a different approach with their device. The portability of the device and the touchscreen offer an advantage to other coding devices that are on the market. Pip will be fully compatible with electronic components in addition to the Raspberry Pi HAT system. The device uses standard languages and has basic tools and is a perfect device for any beginner coder. The goal is to remove any barriers between an idea and creation and make tools immediately available for use. One of the other great advantages of Pip is that it uses a SD card, so it can be used as a desktop computer as well when it is connected to a monitor and mouse.
The Pip device would help kids and interested coder novice with an enthusiasm into learning and practicing coding. By offering a combination of task completion and tinkering to solve problems, the device will certainly engage the younger generation. The device then allows these young coders to move to more advanced levels of coding in different languages like JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Since the device replicates a gaming console, it will immediately capture the attention of children and will engage them to learn about coding at a young age. It also comes with some preloaded games to retain attention, such as Pac-Man and Minecraft. Innovations to Come Future innovation largely depends on a child’s current ability to code and their overall understanding of the process. As children learn to code at an early age by using such devices as the new Pip, they will gain the skills and knowledge to create amazing things in the future. This could be the introduction of new games or apps or even ideas that can come to life to help with medical research and treatments. There are endless possibilities. Since our future will be controlled by software and computers, starting young is the best way to go, which is why the new Pip is geared towards the young crowd. By offering a console device that can play games while teaching coding skills, young members of society are well on their way to being the creators of software in the future that will change all our lives. This is just the beginning, but it is something that millions of children all over the world are starting to learn and master. With the use of devices like Pip, coding basics are covered and children will quickly learn the different coding languages that can lead down amazing paths as they enter adulthood.

Доброго времени суток друзья! Давай с Вами рассмотрим регистрацию пользователей на PHP. Для начала давайте определим условия для нашей регистрации пользователей:

  • Пароль шифруем при помощи алгоритма MD5
  • Пароль будем "солить"
  • Проверка на занятость Логина
  • Активация пользователя письмом.
  • Запись и хранение данных в СУБД MySQL

Для написание данного скрипта нам нужно понять, что такое регистрация пользователя. Регистрация пользователя - это получения данных реального пользователя, обработка и хранение данных.

Если объяснять простыми словами то регистрация это всего лишь запись и хранение определенных данных по которым мы можем авторизировать пользователя в нашем случае - это Логин и Пароль.

Авторизация — предоставление определённому лицу или группе лиц прав на выполнение определённых действий, а также процесс проверки данных прав при попытке выполнения этих действий. Проше говоря с помощью авторизации мы можем разграничить доступ к тому или иному контенту на нашем сайте.

Рассмотрим структуру каталогов скриптов для реализации нашей регистрации с авторизацией. Нам нужно разбить скрипты на логические составляющие. Модули регистрации и авторизации мы поместив в отдельный каталог. Так же в отдельные каталоги мы поместим подключение к базе данных MySQL , файл с пользовательскими функциями, файл стилей CSS и наш шаблон HTML . Данная структура позволяет быстро ориентироваться в скриптах. Представьте себе, что у Вас большой сайт с кучей модулями и т.д. и если не будет порядка, то будет очень сложно что-то отыскать в таком бардаке.

Так как мы будем хранить все данные в СУБД MySQL , то давайте создадим не большую таблицу в которой будем хранить данные о регистрации.

Для начала нужно создать таблицу в базе данных. Таблицу назовем bez_reg где bez - это префикс таблицы, а reg название таблицы.

Структура таблицы: bez_reg -- -- Структура таблицы `bez_reg` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bez_reg` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `login` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `pass` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `salt` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `active_hex` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `status` int(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; Теперь создадим основные скрипты для дальнейшей работы. Файл INDEX.PHP



  • Description of Listing 4:

    We created a connection between the database and our webpages. But if you don’t know is it working or not so you use one thing more in the last check listing 5 for it.

    Listing 5 : checking the connection of database connectivity

    Description Listing 5:

    In the Listing 5 I just tried to show you that you can check and confirm the connection between the database and PHP. And one thing more we will not use Listing 5 code in our sing-up webpage. Because it’s just to make you understand how you can check the MySQL connection.

    Now we will write a PHP programming application to first check the availability of user and then store the user if he/she is a new user on the webpage.

    Listing 6 : connectivity-sign-up.php

    Description of connectivity-sign-up.php

    In this PHP application I used simplest way to create a sign up application for the webpages. As you can see first we create a connection like listing 4. And then we used two functions the first function is SignUP() which is being called by the if statement from the last of the application, where its first confirming the pressing of sign up button. If it is pressed then it will call the SingUp function and this function will use a query of SELECT to fetch the data and compare them with userName and email which is currently entered from the user. If the userName and email is already present in the database so it will say sorry you are already registered

    If the user is new as its currently userName and email ID is not present in the database so the If statement will call the NewUser() where it will store the all information of the new user. And the user will become a part of the webpage.

    Figure 3

    In the figure 3, user is entering data to sign up if the user is an old user of this webpage according to the database records. So the webpage will show a message the user is registered already if the user is new so the webpage will show a message the user’s registration is completed.

    Figure 4:

    As we entered data to the registration form (Figure 4), according to the database which userName and email we entered to the registration form for sing-up it’s already present in the database. So we should try a new userName and email address to sign-up with a new ID and Password.

    Figure 5

    In figure 5, it is confirming us that which userName and email id user has entered. Both are not present in the database records. So now a new ID and Password is created and the user is able to use his new ID and Password to get login next time.


    In this article we learnt the simplest way of creating a sign up webpage. We also learnt that how it deals with the database if we use PHP and MySQL. I tried to give you a basic knowledge about sign up webpage functionality. How it works at back end, and how we can change its look on front end. For any query don’t hesitate and comment.

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